Request An Appointment

Congratulations on being ready to take this journey. We know finding the right therapist can be a hard, stressful, and confusing process. For many clients this is the first time they have asked for help. We are here to make that process as smooth as possible. There are two ways you can request an appointment:

 Option 1: Look through our therapist’s bios and see who feels like a good fit for you. That might mean something in their bio resonates with you, they have a modality you have found success with before or sounds like it aligns with how you experience the world, it might also just be a feeling. Then click the therapist’s schedule button below to see the therapist’s current availability. From there you can request the appointment directly.


Option 2: Fill out our Contact Form (below). We will take the information you give us and help match you with a therapist who is a good fit for your needs. This might also mean if what you need is not offered by our practice, we will give you referrals for other therapists or group practices who can meet your needs.